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Economic Risk Monitor – 2024 Q1

We once again find ourselves reversing our position on the overall direction of the economy for 2024, as the resilience of consumer activity drives surprisingly strong output growth that appears to be sustainable.

The Swiss Army Knives of Credit Unions: The Crucial Role of Risk Professionals

In the landscape of the financial services industry, credit unions serve as pillars of trust, stability and support for their members. Amidst the ever-evolving challenges and uncertainties credit unions face, risk professionals play a pivotal and critical role. While...

Economic Risk Monitor – 2023 Q4

“The only constant is change” is a quote that is mistakenly attributed to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, but the misattribution doesn’t make the axiom any less true.

When Did “OK” Become the Objective?

Is it the adage of the tortoise (slow and steady wins the race) or is it that mediocrity has become the acceptable norm when it comes to our credit unions? Self-rationalization can be a powerful influencer. Over the years,...

What is this thing called member value?

The notion of member value is a frequent discussion topic as we meet with credit union CEOs, boards and senior management teams. Some credit unions, generally including those that most enthusiastically support the credit...

Enterprise Risk Management and Capital Budgeting

In our last article in this series, we discussed relative differences in risk appetite among builders and bankers. (You will recall that by builders, we mean those leaders who can “build a hot fire from a matchstick,” while...

Builders, bankers and risk aversion

In this, our last installment in a series of articles on builders and bankers, we’ll take a look at the relative attitudes toward risk of each group (and perhaps debunk some misconceptions in the process). You may recall...

Builders, bankers and risk

Our last article, titled “Builders and Bankers,” highlighted the difference in leadership style between builders and bankers, using the analogy of building a hot fire in a wood stove vs. banking the coals to keep the heat...

Builders and bankers

Are you a builder, or a banker? No, we’re not talking about construction here. Nor would I label a credit union person with “the b-word.” About five years ago, I heard an excellent presentation on leadership by T.D. Jakes....

What’s behind your walls?

Do you ever stop to consider what’s behind your walls? No, I’m not talking about spiders, bugs or ghosts… I’m talking about all of the “stuff” that has to work in order for your house to function well. I don’t think about...

Emerging risks: The “Grexit”

Among the emerging risks that The Rochdale Group monitors are geopolitical threats. These include things like last year’s worries over Russia’s annexation of the Crimea and its forays into Ukraine; the potential threat of a...

2015: The year of the consumer

After several years of intently watching the Fed for clues as to the economy, the markets and interest rates, 2015 will be the year that we can finally take our eyes off the Fed, and focus on the consumer. Think this year...