Redefining Enterprise Risk Management: A Bold Challenge to Tradition

by | Sep 7, 2023

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, traditional Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) practices are facing a critical need for reevaluation. While ERM has long served as a shield against potential threats, it’s high time we recognize its untapped potential as a catalyst for innovation and growth. Failure to do so results in a waste of resources.

The Traditional ERM Approach:

Traditionally, ERM has been synonymous with risk avoidance and mitigation. It’s been seen as a necessary but passive function, primarily focused on identifying and mitigating/eliminating risks to “protect” the organization (which reminds me of an article I drafted several years ago, but still rings just as true today). However, this approach often limits an organization’s ability to adapt and thrive in a world filled with ambiguity and uncertainty. And it certainly doesn’t position credit unions to leapfrog competition and meet their members’ evolving needs.

The Challenge to Tradition:

I challenge this conventional ERM model, advocating for a dynamic shift in perspective. Rather than perceiving risk as something to be feared, we should embrace it as a source of opportunity.

Here’s how we can challenge tradition:

  1. Redefine Risk Perception: Instead of merely identifying risks, organizations should encourage a culture that views risk as a driver of innovation. By acknowledging that calculated risks can lead to growth, we open the door to new possibilities.
  2. Proactive Risk Management: Traditional ERM often operates reactively. We must transition towards proactive risk management, where ERM plays a strategic role in identifying and exploiting opportunities that arise from risk-taking.
  3. Integration with Strategy: ERM should seamlessly integrate with an organization’s strategic planning and strategic execution. This alignment ensures that risk management becomes an integral part of decision-making, fostering agility and adaptability.
  4. Data-Driven Insights: Where possible, leverage advanced analytics and data-driven insights to predict emerging risks and opportunities. Move to a quantitative ERM approach where you challenge “simplicity” to achieve REAL results.
  5. Foster Innovation: Encourage employees at all levels to contribute ideas for risk-based innovations. Cultivate a culture of experimentation where calculated risks are encouraged, welcomed, and expected, rather than stifled.
  6. Continuous Learning: ERM teams should continuously adapt and expand their knowledge, embracing new risk paradigms and emerging technologies. Keep moving forward!

By challenging the traditional role of ERM, organizations can position themselves not only to survive but to thrive in an ever-changing environment. ERM can become a strategic enabler, guiding organizations through uncharted territories, and transforming risk into a competitive advantage.


The time for change in ERM is now. Embrace the challenge, and let’s redefine ERM as a dynamic force for innovation and growth. It’s time to view risks not as obstacles but as stepping stones towards a brighter future. Are you ready to challenge tradition and unlock the full potential of Enterprise Risk Management? The future of your organization may depend on it.